E63 Katie McLaughlin: The Show Must Go On
TGIF, lets wrap up this week with another great episode!
Katie believes that diversity in a workplace is usually the product of where a company actively recruits. Tech companies rely heavily on referrals for new hires. Since most human beings tend to surround themselves with people that look like them, this method will not be effective at establishing a diverse workforce. One way to open up the field to people of different backgrounds would be to remove the CS degree requirements for engineering roles. Companies need to recruit creative talent that is willing to think outside of the box, and this person may not necessarily come from a standard degree path. In Katie’s view, the apprenticeship pattern would definitely work in the tech space because the way people learn the most about a job is on the job. People also learn a great deal by failure, and as an apprentice they will experience real world situations, make mistakes but also have a mentor for guidance and growth. In regards to retaining diverse employees, Katie’s experience has found whether or not people stay at a company is usually a really big product of the company culture and the day-to-day interactions. If someone doesn’t feel included in their organization, they will eventually leave.
Katie McLaughlin is the Founder, Chief Strategist & Transformation Artist at McLaughlin Method LLC. She specializes in helping tech, startups, founders, and executives to build an inclusive workplace and engage their employees. She believes that businesses with healthier workplaces can be more productive and achieve the results they set out to in the first place: transform the world of their customers.
- Katie McLaughlin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mclaughlinkatie
- McLaughlin Method: https://mclaughlinmethod.com
- More episodes of the SnackWalls Podcast: http://podcast.snackwalls.com
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