E60 Manuel Martinez-Herrera: Diversity Initiatives Done Right
Woah...the big 6-0! As always we have another great show lined up for you all. Enjoy!
Manuel agrees that finding diverse talent in tech is a challenge, but it is one that companies must take full front and approach using different strategies. He agrees that dropping a CS degree requirement for software roles makes a lot of sense. At the end of the day companies need engineers that can get the job done. How or where they learned the skills necessary to do the job should not be that important. Manuel also believes that the apprenticeship pattern could work in the tech space as a way to break barriers into the industry. To retain diverse staff, he thinks that the workplace should foster a sense of community. Make a clear statement that the executive/leadership team supports and is involved in programs that promote inclusion. Then encourage grassroots teams or ERGs that are created organically to further build employee relationships.
Manuel Martinez-Herrera is the General Counsel at BetterCloud, a B2B SAS company that specializes in SAS Ops. He has experience working in the legal departments of both tech and non-tech companies. Manuel is passionate about being involved in workplace diversity programs. He is leading a diversity council at BetterCloud and was involved with diversity initiatives at his previous employer, Namely.
- Manuel Martinez-Herrera: https://www.linkedin.com/in/manuel-martinez-herrera-71a2a763
- BetterCloud: https://www.bettercloud.com
- Altitude Conference: https://altitude.bettercloud.com
- More episodes of the SnackWalls Podcast: http://podcast.snackwalls.com
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