E59 Jonaed Iqbal: People Crave Community
Overwhelmed by election day anxiety? Put your phone down, turn off the TV, and listen to this brand new episode of SnackWalls.
Jonaed highlights if employers want to find diverse talent, they need to seek candidates in different ways. Currently, many employers look for talent through referrals. However most young diverse talent do not have an established network to connect with companies. Additionally, companies will often vet out candidates based on degree requirements instead of focusing on someone's skill set. Jonaed is not against degrees, but he does oppose having setting requirements that prevent good, skilled people from getting into jobs. He believes that companies should invest in developing talent using the apprenticeship or a mentoring program. Most large organizations invest heavily in developing their talent and the pay off is visible in the long term (ex. Google). Now, to retain diverse talent Jonaed advises companies to have a diverse and welcoming culture. People crave community, and if your employees don't feel like they belong in the team, they will find another company.
Jonaed Iqbal is the founder and CEO of NoDegree.com and the host of the NoDegree podcast. They aspire to reduce the growing economic disparity between non-college grads and college grads by providing career resources to people without degrees. The NoDegree podcast is used to interview successful people without college degrees to figure what made them successful. Jonaed is also an Assistant Wrestling Coach at Thomas A. Edison High School and formerly served as the President of the Columbia University Toastmasters.
- Jonaed Iqbal: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jonaed
- NoDegree.com: https://www.nodegree.com
- No Degree Podcast: https://nodegree.fm
- More episodes of the SnackWalls Podcast: http://podcast.snackwalls.com
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