E58 Olin Hyde: Most Valuable Stepping Stone
Did you finish a whole bag of halloween candy this weekend? Well then you've come to the right place, cause today’s episode is sugar free and I promise it won't make you crash! Enjoy
Olin has found that finding top talent is tough and finding diverse top talent is more challenging. From his perspective the best performing teams have intrinsic and extrinsic diversity. Olin agrees that the CS degree requirement for software jobs should be removed. At LeadCrunch there is no CS degree requirement and the hiring process is geared towards a candidate’s performance more than their resume. Candidates applying for software roles are given an initial code test and the company will strip names from resumes to remove any bias towards a name in the hiring process. Studies show that about 70% of job performance are things that are not on the resume like cognitive behavioral traits, grit, determination and the ability to work within a team. These are far more important and cannot be picked up off of a resume. While Olin believes that apprenticeships have a place in the tech world, they are not a solution in and of themselves to finding top talent. This model works when applied with lots of guard rails, but does not replace the initial groundwork an apprentice would need to establish before the program to be successful. To retain your top performing and diverse staff, Olin recommends you make the workplace a place that can be the most valuable stepping stone in an employee’s career.
Olin Hyde is a venture-backed serial entrepreneur passionate about growing companies, building teams, and solving hard problems. He is the founder and CEO of LeadCrunch, a global AI B2B marketing company. Their AI makes sense of the complex, incomplete, and often inaccurate data about millions of companies to enable unprecedented capabilities to target and engage the ideal audiences for B2B marketers. Olin has been nominated and won various awards for his work including the Nvidia & GigOM Global A.I. Challenge.
- Olin Hyde: www.linkedin.com/in/olinhyde
- LeadCrunch: https://leadcrunch.com
- More episodes of the SnackWalls Podcast: http://podcast.snackwalls.com
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